"...Currently, there are no known occurrences of threatened or endangered plant or animal species found within the project area..." I'll bet if someone wanted to build structures or put in a trail through the projected area, the powers-that-be would find a half dozen endangered critters to suit their personal agenda.by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
As wack as Mike Castro (land owner) may seem to be at times, there's always two sides to every story...by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Great report Paul! Never has so much information been relayed in so few words. (shrug)? ;^).by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Yeah, there's a Ranger dick named Jay he's got a real hard-on for naturists or anybody who likes to party and will bust you for any kind of "medicine" you may have on you at the time. He's rumored to bring his K-9 down during the day and let the hound sniff through your belongings so beware. On the bright side of things it's a lot of families now with their kids(sarc). I still managed tby MINERALKING - California Hot Springs
Jobe, you rock! Your dedication is limitless. It's people like you that keep the BLM / FS from closing down the springs. A GREAT BIG THANKYOU TO YOU! Two snaps and a thumbs up...by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Quotejobe ...it is about giving info and preserving the integrity of the springs too... Well said Jobe! I'm sure a big part of why the springs have not been shut down already is because of Sam and yours (& others) efforts. Many thanks to both of you especially. It's ok to talk a little trash here. ;-) MKby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
An unexpected ending to this drama. What a long strange trip it's been!by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
LB, glad to see you back. Godspeed the mend bud, keep us updated on what's cookin in the "village". Go for a hike! MKby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Great 1st post speakeasy, LMFAO & spilt my beer. Agreed that lewd crap has no place at the springs. Those few that partake in that kind of behavior are asking for an ass-kickin.by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
This is most disturbing, very sad to hear this. God speed your recovery LB and I hope you are laughing again soon! MKby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
QuoteMadrox I agree with Paul, No camping down at the springs. Agreed, camping at the springs upsets the delicate balance of things at DCHS. ...But since you are going to do it anyways; please try to resist posting it on an open forum. MKby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Agreed, nothing new should be built. I'm glad you did bring up the subject on this forum however. As well intended as your plan may be, we have learned that any new construction may upset the delicate balance of things at the springs. What starts out to be a seemingly good idea in theory often ends up backfiring, especially when dealing with public lands, thus spoiling a good thing for all. Justby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Dear Wizard, Glad to hear the youngin's are taking after their Dad! I'm sure you are instilling in them the respect for mother nature and the skills needed to enjoy her. Glad you had a nice trip with friends and family! MKby MINERALKING - California Hot Springs
Dear Jobe, Do you really have that big of an axe to grind with Mr. Mike to bother with such a petty thing as turning him in over building permits? Why bother? Who cares? What if he finds out it was you who squeeled? MKby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
...Now that you have their address, just load up all that trash and haul it back to where it came from. They will wonder how all that junk found it's way back home!by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Dear Rick, It is my opinion that this pool has traditionally been called "Crab Cooker". Once very hot, I heard that the flow has now changed. I have not been there for a while to confirm. In the picture you can see an old furrow of dirt leading around the corner to the left where someone piped(PVC) in a new tub from Crab Cooker's source. I heard the BLM busted 'em. Too bad cuz the neby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
I'm sure this problem will grow into a long standing issue.by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Thanks Katrina for posting all of the interesting articles lately. That was also a very tasty piece on how the non-native Mojave Green Rattlesnake was introduced. Keep 'em coming, it's all good reading material and fodder for the mind. As outdated as the news article events are, they may have significant value as documented presidence over land/legal issues surrounding the Bowen ranch aby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
My thanks go out to everyone who has contributed to this discussion, it's been fun. I have to admit to Gary that I don't personally claim to be the king of anything/anybody, and the only minerals I'm in to are the ones dissolved in hot water! My addiction to the High Sierra and hot springs have influenced my choice in a screen name. You can tell a lot more about a person fby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Az Mike wrote 07-07-03 20:41, "...get the other side of things by speaking with Mike at Bowen Ranch to, in order to weigh matters fairly in your mind." Thanks Az Mike, this sounds like very good advice. But what would really happen if I actually went through with this plan of boldly venturing into the "lawless land" of the Bowen Ranch? Some postings I've read couldby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
I hope i didn't stir up too much muck in the normally placid waters of the Deep Creek Forum. Gary, thanks for summing it all up for me in so few words. Az Mike wrote : "... What's that all about?" I apologize for being so vague when referring to "the DCHS community". What i meant was everyone including visitors, property owners, gatekeepers, need to be held accounby MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
by MINERALKING - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California