You really can't compare the real estate in the city to the real estate in the desert and mountains. In the City, there are pretty clear physical boundaries between properties. In the desert and mountains, there is little indication as to what is private and what is public much less clear boundary lines between the various private land parcels.
Mike Castro has moved boundary markers and has intentionally made the boundary lines confusing so that he can claim his boundaries go beyond where they really are. The only signs are along the road and at the Bowen Ranch building.
By the time the honeymooners were confronted in the "Bowen Ranch parking lot", they were no longer trespassing on Mike Castro's land. They were on land owned by Rancho Las Flores. Rancho Las Flores has allowed members of the public to park on their private land for years, we believe in cooperation with BLM through a MOU.
Rancho Las Flores had a MOU previously with the BLM when they owned the land that Moss Mill Road went through.