Katrina writes:
"The BLM can enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, private individuals, or any person or entity."
>>I am not aware of any agreement between BLM and Las Flores, or any BLM intent to pursue a land exchange. MOU's do not extend to enforcement of trespass law on private property.<<
"Further, this does not imply any BLM jurisdiction over private lands within the area, unless authorized by the land owner."
>>This states that BLM cannot over-ride private property rights unless authorized by the owner."<<
"In addition, the law clearly states that in order to press charges for trespassing, the private land must be clearly marked as private. Otherwise, how would anyone know they are trespassing?"
You know you are trespassing when the owner tells you to get off his property. How many yards in your neighborhood are posted against trespass? When someone orders you off their property, it is prudent to make haste to comply.
This couple clearly knew they were trespassing, as instructions are posted at the gate. (At least one of the party had been visiting since the 60's.) However, responding to these devious persons by pointing a gun at them shows equally rash judgement.
An old maxim in the West advises to never pull a gun unless you are prepared to use it. It is only a matter of time before Mike confronts the wrong individual.