Hello Laughing Bear :-) I have spent some time recently up around those Big Rocks that I talked to you about just before our last DCV meeting. Its a place of splendid views and inspiring landscapes. I found one location which I particularly liked, a perch from which I imagine myself as an eagle, a free spirit, ready to take flight from on top of that special natural tower. I feel a great sense of contentment, and freedom, when I spend time in such places. There are immense rocks in many forms there, and within the rock outcrops, the pinion pine survivors from the Willow Fire. The remenant skeletons of pinions lay on the hillsides all around. Many taken down by the winds of the recent ( 2003 ) Xmas day storm. They are sad to look on, in a certain way, but are reminders of the reality of the change that is inevitable in the natural world that we appreciate all around us.