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October 29, 2003 02:06PM
Hi Toast,
Thought I'd answer you since I just came from Juniper Flats. It is not burning, but Lake Silverwood is, and the winds are heavy and keep switching directions. There is a lot of thick smoke over the mountains and throughout the Victor Valley area. Some of the Juniper Flats residents have evacuated, but an evacuation order has not been given, so we're all safe for the moment. Hope your property and our whole area will be spared this time. Email me directly if there is anything you need taken care of before evacuation.

Fire Information

Rick 1223October 27, 2003 01:26PM

Re: Juniper Flats report

LaughingBear 711October 27, 2003 05:35PM

Re: Juniper Flats report

toast 708October 29, 2003 08:40AM

Re: Juniper Flats report

sycamorelaughing 768October 29, 2003 02:06PM

Re: Juniper Flats report

toast 1206October 29, 2003 05:26PM

Re: Power Outages

DCR 647October 28, 2003 07:51AM

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