Thank you Katrina!!!! Once again your virtue shines. Can I down load this so next time I run across a wicked witch or their flying monkeys I can show them what their job is suppossed to be?? Or maybe I'll just put it on my window in stead of an adventure pass.I wish I had this info last time I was in court. For parking on the side of the road. It is past time the Agriculture department stopped trying to make criminals out of people 4 living in the forest. That is right the agriculture department pays the usfs and blm. These federal officers carry guns. I'll carry federal statues. What kind of culture is the agriculture dept. trying to establish. The best way to change things are from with in not w/guns and axes. Free our forest is right. If the monkeys had any sense they would not work 4 the agriculture dept. But apperantly there they are.