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Make Love Not War- A Naked for Peace Project

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March 06, 2003 04:32AM
I thought some of you may find this interesting. Among many of the peace protest ocurring world wide there have been some where they have resorted to nudity to get the message across. Why not, nudity is used to sell everything else, why not peace. If you search through history, no man ever started a war naked. Even the Native Americans would 'dress up' in body paints.

Well here is the information I received through Friends of San Onofre that some of you may want to check out for yourselves. It sounds like there is one planned for San Fransisco for April.

"Make Love Not War- A Naked for Peace Project

Would you like to participate in a nude peace photo made of couples
embracing and spelling out the message Make Love Not War? We are planning to
do this with at least 100 couples at San Francisco's only designated nude
beach. If you are interested in helping or would like to be in that picture,
please reply to <[email protected]>. Please check out our website at

We plan to do this with Donna Sheehan who started Unreasonable Women for
Peace. Her group is now calling itself Baring Witness. You can check out her
website at http://www.baringwitness.org/

CBS Evening Magazine plans to do some interviews with the participants, take
a group shot and one with us spelling out ake Love Not War with our clothes
on. When they are done with that shoot and leave, the group will disrobe and
take the nude photo.

Digital photographer Jes Salang has volunteered to donate his time and
service to our cause and help record this event for history. He does
interactive 360 degree panoramic photos. Please see some examples of his
work at http://www.aughts.com/ We may need other photographers and
videographers for this event as well.

Reprinted from http://www.sfheart.com/Butterfly_Calendar.html#Project";

Peace to all. LOL

Make Love Not War- A Naked for Peace Project

Ron 1694March 06, 2003 04:32AM

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