The meeting began a few minutes after one p.m. in the new location suggested by AZ Mike. In attendence were Ron, AZ Mike, Paul, myself, Wizard, and a representative from TNS named Allen. Ron opened the meeting by distributing the agendas. Before beginning, it was noted that our group now has 12 members total, of whom seven currently have voting rights.
Item #1: All present expressed being pleased by the USFS having approved our brochure, and at the positive feedback we received from them. We decided to distribute the brochures by hand only for now, while we encourage all members, voting members or not, to discuss ideas for distribution here on the forum. One suggestion, for example, which we have already discussed in previous meetings, would be to mount a box on already existing signage. We also welcome discussion of the possibility of our own sign or modifications to existing signs, and will continue this item at the next meeting with, hopefully, a few good ideas to discuss and decide on.
Item #2: Ron passed out copies of our internal document for members entitled "Welcome to Deep Creek Volunteers" and we easily reached consensus on accepting the document with the modifications which had been discussed in emails by Paul P. and Ron.
Item #3: Allen gave us a presentation about The Naturist Society and we reviewed some of their literature. The discussion on this item was lengthy but not contentious.
Item #4: It was noted that we can not reach consensus on this item because Laughing Bear has voted against it and the majority of members were in favor. The possibility that such affiliation might discourage membership among people who choose to remain clothed was discussed and dismissed on the basis that we already publicly support the clothing optional policies at DCHS. A TNS affiliation would not cost our group anything, and DCV members would not be required to be members of TNS. Laughing Bear's objection to the idea was also discussed and everyone attempted to understand his objection. We also were informed by Ron that Scott voted in favor and that Paul P., who is not yet a voting member but whose contributions to the discussion are valued, is strongly in favor. After a lively discussion we went to a vote. Affiliation with TNS passes with 6 in favor and 1 against. Our free group copy of the TNS publication, N magazine, will be brought to future meetings for perusal by members.
Further information about our TNS affiliation: TNS supports clothing optional as opposed to nudism-cumpulsory. Groups which affiliate with TNS are required to be non-discriminatory.
.....continued in next post....