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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


more rain and snow needed

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December 22, 2002 06:22PM
The recent storms brought some much needed moisture to the Deep Creek area but much more is needed. A good layer of snowfall is present in the Deep Creek drainage and that is a start. While working up at my place today I tested the soil to see how deep the moisture had penetrated. Dry soil was found about 12 inches below the surface. Although it rained hard enough to run off on the surface, the penetration was minimal and did little more than water the surface roots of the vegetation. So....I am going to keep up that rain dance and hope the Mojave River rises! Stay warm everyone and enjoy the holidays.

more rain and snow needed

Laughing Bear 1180December 22, 2002 06:22PM

Re: more rain and snow needed

Rick 712December 22, 2002 07:16PM

Re: more rain and snow needed

Arizona Mike 668December 23, 2002 09:28PM

doesn't work or play well with others

Rick 728December 24, 2002 08:34AM

Re: more rain and snow needed

Laughing Bear 654December 25, 2002 11:05AM

Re: more rain and snow needed

Sycamore Laughing 1088December 26, 2002 06:52PM

Re: more rain and snow needed

Rick 675December 26, 2002 01:34AM

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