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September 06, 2002 11:02PM
Ah, I see the " Merry Go Round " is fully operational :-) Well, I'd say its time for a picture break! For those interested, I have put up nine new ones at the " Wizard's pictures " link below. The first three were taken along Deep Creek and the last six are my " first " installment of Burning Man Photos. These nine pics start at page 23 as picture #3 and go on from there. Images sure to sooth the mind and fill the soul with everlasting peace :-)

Time Out!

Wizard 1261September 06, 2002 11:02PM

Re: Time Out!

Sycamore Laughing 735September 07, 2002 06:55AM

Re: Time Out!

Wizard 720September 07, 2002 10:18AM

Re: Time Out!

Viejo Bill 827September 08, 2002 03:33PM

Re: Time Out!

Laughing Bear 1210September 09, 2002 10:35AM

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