I'm from the Midwest and I'm making my second trip to the Springs this weekend. I was wondering if there are any restrictions due to weather or fire.
Also, has the status of hiking in nude from Bowen Ranch changed at all? On my first trip, last August, the woman at Bowen Ranch confirmed that it was usual for people to get naked in the parking area and hike in nude from there. She said that, in fact, a lot of people show up at her place already nude in their cars. Anything changed along those lines? Anything to worry about if I get naked driving the dirt roads on the way in?
On my last visit I also noticed some people hiking the trail downstream in the nude. Still no problem there? I read somewhere that since it is federal land and there are no federal anti-nudity laws, anywhere in the genreal area is O.K. to go nude. True?
Thanks in advance for your help.