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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (11% of Full)


Winter burns

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November 29, 2013 08:31AM
In case persons here are useing Hwy 173 route via Bradford ridge route to the deep creek area. You may notice Contractors picking up sticks and wood along the road. This is to reduce the fire hazards in the forest area.

This web site explains their plans : http://alpenhornnews.com/winter-burns-p4534-1.htm

Yesterday while soaking in the hot springs I met a pretty woman who had hiked in using her GPS and an old hot springs book and got lost. So, I explained to her how to find the Bradford ridge path and where she erred. When her old book was written the road beyond the shooting range was dirt. Now it is paved. She thought she had to go past where the gate was to get to D.C.H.S. Because that is where the dirt road is and the book said so. It was her first time to the springs and she just moved to the area and I could tell she would be back often using that route. It had taken her 3-4 hours to climb through Kinley creek to get to the hot springs. Incredible !
So, be careful out there, Glad to help.

Winter burns

jobe1774November 29, 2013 08:31AM

Re: Winter burns

jesicakedz858November 29, 2013 01:52PM

Re: Winter burns

hiker877November 29, 2013 04:10PM

Re: Winter burns

mohave1366December 03, 2013 12:00AM

Re: Winter burns

hiker915November 29, 2013 04:24PM

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