You can sign in using by creating a Yahoo account or by using your existing Google or Facebook account. However, to view Wizard's full library, a few additional steps are needed after you sign in. I'll use my Google account as an example.
1. Here I'm already signed in with my Google account ... nantego, mohave/mojave, navajo, apache ... I name all my computers and accounts after Native Indian tribes :-) You will need to click the settings button at the bottom of the window below available in the top right corner of the Flickr page, but before you do, notice the number of photos available to you is only 1285 on the Wizard page.
2. The settings button takes you to the account page, below. Click on Privacy and Permissions.
3. Scroll all the way to the bottom until you see Content filters, like below, and click the edit link for search settings.
4. Switch the SafeSearch setting to off from on on this page and Save Changes.
5. Now if you navigate back to Wizard's page, notice the photo count went up to 1442.