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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (56% of Full)


desperately looking for a ride from the los angeles area

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May 24, 2013 08:24PM
Hello is that time again. I'm desperatly looking for a ride from the Los Angeles area this Sunday May 26th. I can get somehow to any place in the LA. area for you to pick me up. I will share stories, jokes on the road; or be quiet if you want. I will help with gas and/or driving. I will put up with bad smells in the car or any kind of music. I will do anything decent to get to the hot springs! Please email me @ anleu1@yahoo.com or call me/text me at 213-910-4746. I'll be checking this post often. If I cannot make it there this weekend, I wish everyone a great time over there!

desperately looking for a ride from the los angeles area

anleu12150May 24, 2013 08:24PM

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