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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (56% of Full)


Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

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October 22, 2012 05:51PM
I parked in the freedom trail head parking area a few minuets before noon which was a Friday. When I got there I was shocked by all the trash that has accumulated since I was here last. I spent 30 minuets picking up trash and removing a fire pit some one had built there. Looking at the Bowen ranch it appeared the parking area there was full. There were 2 cars and a pick up truck at the freedom trail head. When I left my house near Hesperia I noticed clouds over the Cajon pass area. In the high desert we were blessed with sunshine and great weather. When I jogged to the springs some friends had a cold beer waiting for me, it is very nice to have friends like that ;~)
It seemed like I only had 2 beers when I started soaking. I noticed a large amount of dead algae had accumulated in the Serenity pool so I got my hose out and removed it. Then I noticed the same in the Anniversary pool so I got that out too. While using my water goggles to search the bottom of the Womb pool I found half a pair of sun glasses a empty beer can and condom ugh !!!
All evening at the springs there were never more than 30 persons present at one time. Every one I saw and met were having a great time until just as the sun started to make the shadows grow a huge dog fight broke out. When I got there one dog had a big hole near his butt area with blood gushing out while the other dog was bleeding profusely from his eyeball area. As this played out most persons were packing up to leave. As I did also I noticed @ 10 persons were camping. As I headed up the trail several others mostly young hot springer's were coming down the trail with large back packs and such.
I laid out in the parking area searching the sky for the supposedly certain meteor showers and never saw even one before I went to dream land. At 2 am the next morning I woke up for another look and only saw 2 short fast streaks before I returned to dream land.
I arrived back at the springs as the sun started to shine in the sky somewhere. When I got there I had the place to myself for almost 1hour. First thing I did was pick up the debris from the night before. Not as bad as other times. I found less than 20 gallons in my trash when I finished. I also found a bottle of Capt. Morgan spiced rum. It appeared some body had taken one shot and left their bottle near the womb pool. That must have been some goood RUM.
I also found 2 lighters, some plastic pipes an almost full pack of cigarettes and some clothes. I found some medical cannabis in a pill bottle which I was considering offering up to the fish. As I contemplated my actions a young mountain man came around the rocks wanting to know IF i had seen his medicine ? So of course, I am NOT one to take medicine from a sick person, I promptly returned his medicine. Which had a very pleasant smell.
Saturday was terrific. Probably not more than 50 person at one time. Mostly new tourist with a lot of the regulars. Once again the weather does not get better than this. I spent a lot of time in the shower, swinging on the rope swing and enjoying some RUM. OH ! And enjoying the company of friends. That is what i enjoy the most about the creek,,, the comradery. Saturday at the springs was GREAT !!!
The Rum must have done something to my internal clock. I fell asleep as soon as I laid down. I woke up at 4 am. I knew it was wrong but I contemplated going to the springs before sun rise because I could not go back too sleep.
Sunday was another weather perfect day. The creek water reminds us of the time of year it is. To soak in the pools as long as possible then jump into the creek gives a person a sensation you get nowhere else. Trash I did look for any trash Sunday nor did I see any as another group of volunteers were picking it up as I arrived. A great big THANK YOU to you good hot springer's, you know who you are. Like I said my timer was still off as I took a long nap upon the rocks. When I woke up some of the most beautiful women in the world were soaking below me. Where else does one experience the things such as this ???
Only at Deep Creek.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2012 08:46PM by Paul P..

Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

jobe3021October 22, 2012 05:51PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

neogeo1174October 22, 2012 09:05PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

jobe1004October 23, 2012 06:36PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave907October 23, 2012 08:17PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

speakeasy1108October 23, 2012 08:46PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave922October 24, 2012 07:49PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Paul P.938October 23, 2012 10:18PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Wizard988October 23, 2012 11:55PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Sam D.954October 24, 2012 12:23AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave902October 24, 2012 02:51AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Paul P.945October 24, 2012 03:54PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Sam D.949October 24, 2012 06:34PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave844October 24, 2012 07:16PM

Email to Ranger Burns and Co sent

speakeasy896October 25, 2012 01:21AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Paul P.908October 24, 2012 08:55PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Sam D.902October 25, 2012 08:49AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

jobe1098October 25, 2012 08:15AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave904October 25, 2012 03:39PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Paul P.857October 25, 2012 09:26AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Sam D.865October 25, 2012 01:03PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave875October 25, 2012 01:26PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Sam D.880October 25, 2012 02:29PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave809October 25, 2012 02:44PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Paul P.1157October 25, 2012 03:32PM

A note about YouTube

mohave912October 26, 2012 11:41PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

Paul P.846October 27, 2012 08:43AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave927October 27, 2012 01:45PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

jobe827October 29, 2012 03:09PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave759October 29, 2012 11:47PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

jobe863October 29, 2012 03:10PM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave897October 30, 2012 12:16AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

jobe942October 30, 2012 07:05AM

Re: Trip report 10-19 till 10-21

mohave1578October 30, 2012 09:51PM

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