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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

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October 05, 2012 09:43PM
Paul P.
Remember, we are talking about ORV activity in off limit areas. ORVs do much more damage than a 6 inch rut. They destroy vegetation cover and erode soils along trails, primitive roads, and wilderness, access routes. ORVs are substantially more impacting to natural resource conditions and the experiences of recreational visitors than other non-motorized forms of recreation. Increasingly ORVs are being used in places once considered pristine and wild. Furthermore, their use on federal lands has grown substantially, though land managers have frequently been unable to address the resulting resource damage to soils, vegetation, wildlife, cultural resources, and escalating user conflicts.

Hikers visit our nation’s parks, forests and deserts to escape the fast pace of modern society, connect with nature, observe flora and fauna, and experience solitude, fresh air, and natural sounds while exploring and enjoying the outdoors. Unfortunately, these experiences are increasingly at risk in many areas due to the proliferation and uncontrolled use of ORVs on public lands. ORV use is displacing or negatively affecting the experiences of people in all regions of the country. Tthe widespread increase in ORV uses adversely affect the land, environment, and wildlife that are important to all citizens

ORV use does more than damage to the land than any pot smoker could. Damage from ORVs runs into the millions and us taxpayers have to pay for it. Emergency trail/route repairs and mitigation and rehabilitation of critical or sensitive resources are expensive and a drain on limited agency funds.

So I say to illegal ORV users, go ride where it's legal and stay out of the Deep Creek area.

Well the topic says OHV not ORV. If the blm was so concerned about people riding in the area then they would shut down all the jeep trails and take away the deep creek staging area. And dont get me started on tax payers dollars, becuase most of that shit is going into someone elses retirement. (might even be yours) Food stamps for the lady down the street with 9 fuc*ing kids. And OBOMA care, so you rednecks can go get a free weed card. I agree that both activities are Illegal, and Im not saying go out and do them. All im trying to stress is if you do go do them at your own risk, beware because they are Illegal... And if cought for the weed you will get a fine and probably fed jail. (because you are on fed land out there). for the riding I personaly know they just ask where you staged and inform you that you are just out side the legal area, head back.

OHV use illegal near the springs?

JoelTDahl2853September 27, 2012 04:41PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

mxa1142September 27, 2012 06:41PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

outlaw11205September 29, 2012 10:10PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

ezzpete1052October 04, 2012 11:33AM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

mohave1580October 14, 2012 12:00AM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

Paul P.963October 04, 2012 12:53PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

1+2usin hotwater959October 04, 2012 09:17PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

Paul P.997October 04, 2012 10:02PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

1+2usin hotwater1058October 05, 2012 07:59AM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

jcrew967October 05, 2012 08:30AM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

Paul P.909October 05, 2012 09:43AM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

DLM960October 05, 2012 12:24PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

mohave1027October 05, 2012 01:25PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

Paul P.887October 05, 2012 04:21PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

outlaw11026October 05, 2012 09:43PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

jcrew911October 09, 2012 08:04AM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

Rick847October 09, 2012 03:16PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

mohave856October 09, 2012 03:38PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

Paul P.880October 09, 2012 10:10PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

mohave991October 09, 2012 11:04PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

Paul P.947October 10, 2012 11:32AM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

mohave905October 10, 2012 04:33PM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

Paul P.1120October 11, 2012 09:50AM

Re: OHV use illegal near the springs?

DLM913October 12, 2012 04:09PM

Black's Beach

mohave942October 12, 2012 06:28PM

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