Wow after reading most of these posts, it makes sense now because pretty much every time I've been to the hot springs, I swore I would see some of the same people there every time and think "dam these people hike this every day?" But now it makes more sense, they camp out/live there, and yes that does really suck that they are part of the reason the rangers come down and the possibility of it getting shut down. I recently found out about san juan hot springs off ortega highway and that us shut down, I went to go search for it to check it out the other day and it might be for the same reason. Trash is a big issue and you would think it would be so easy for people to take home what they brought in but unfortunately thats just to simple. All you that help take out other peoples trash is really nice of you but of course it shouldnt be that way. I've picked up a fair amount of trash including glass bottles. I'm really glad that there is no graffiti there cause that really sucks to have to look at.