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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (57% of Full)


Rat at D.C. hot spring

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March 07, 2012 11:20AM
I arrived at the Freedom trail head at noon on 3-6-12 a Tuesday. My first visit on a weekday in quite a while. The wind was surging at 30-40 mph making for a fun hike into the canyon. I saw 0 cars over at the Bowen Ranch and there were 0 cars at the trail head. I had hoped I could be at the springs when there are no crowds and this looked like a good chance for that.
As we got to the springs there was 1 guy and 2 women having a picnic upon the rocks above the springs. and no one else. But within 30 minuets about 10 more persons arrived. The wind was not a problem when we arrived. Only about 5 mph with an occasional gust. Later I learned the picnickers were some h.s. regulars from the Lake Arrowhead area.
I enjoyed all of the pools then got my thermometer out for the temps. All temps were taken from the center of the pools and near the surface.

The Crab Cooker was 110.5 degrees. This amazed me. I cross checked here to see this is even higher than my last post here. At it's source it was 116.5 degrees. This source was 116.1 before. This source continues to get hotter, what could that mean ?

The Serenity pool was at 108.1 degrees.

The Womb pool was 99.5 degrees.

The Anniversary pool was 105.5 degrees.

The Arizona pool was 106.1 degrees. Some one had dug it out to about 2 feet deep again

The creek water above the Arizona pool was 51.4 degrees. Probably because of the wind and cloudiness it was not warmer than my last post, much.

The bottom of the Womb pool was extra messy. I found 2 pair of sunglasses. A pair of prescription glasses. 1 water bottle and 1 beer can. So, I got my magic hose out and began to clean it out when one of the picnickers started screaming RRAATT ! ! ! I turned around to see a large full grown rat swimming toward me like I was a life boat. Of course, this scenario is a night mare for me and I instinctively ran away. When this rat saw that he turned around and started swimming the other way from me. He crawled upon the rocks near were hot water that was oozing from the rocks on the north side of the pool. I got my camera out and took several pictures of him. Apparently he was as surprised as I was and he had a nest built inside of my magic hose.Which was now in the pool with me. So the first thing I did was vacuum that out of the pool. After this scare no one wanted to get into the pool. I got a friend to help me clean the scum off the bottom of the pool however. This helped to get the pool cleaned much faster, thank you. The rat played possum at first. Then he climbed up the rock crevice about 1 foot and hid his head , like if he did this no one would see him. About 4:30 I started to leave and this rat was about 3 feet above the water and still pretending.
As we headed back out of the canyon the winds were still the same. About 100 yards before we got to the car it started to sprinkling. Just enough to clean the sweat off our bodies. As we drove by the Bowen Ranch I noticed a light sheet of snow upon Round mt. and Luna mt. too. A very nice thing to see :~)

Rat at D.C. hot spring

jobe2198March 07, 2012 11:20AM

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