I hiked to DCHS today ( 3-4 ) and had a relaxing long ( solo ) soak in the Womb :-) There was another guy there who had a hammock hung up in the trees above the Aniversary Pool. Looked like he might have been camping. While I was there a couple showed up on the beach and I tried to tell them where to wade across but they ended up wandering downstream probably looking for some rocks to cross on. A little latter I saw them again on their way out having never crossed. Beautiful day with blue skies and some white puffy clouds around a bit. It was pretty windy down there. Before the hike in at my truck the air temp was 44, and when I got back to drive home it was 45, a bit brisk. Looks like more rain coming for the weekend. The Bowen Ranch Rd was no problem at all. The way Jobe was talking I thought I was going to find a 6 foot deep trench on the Bowen Ranch Rd where the water crosses by the Rock Springs Ranch :-)