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April 26, 2002 10:10PM
Yes, I have taken a photo of these elusive and shy people! I had to lay in wait for hours in the nearby brush to get one good picture. Wild and free, they slathered thierselves in thick black mud. As I reached for my Magic Cup O Wine they scattered like small rodents back into the hills to that place they call, The Bowen Ranch. Was it just a dream :-) Ok, Ok I'll cut the crap :-) They were just city folk spreading stinky, black mud all over themselves, just for fun. You can see this new picture, that I promised you all, a while back, at the Wizards pictures link below, picture 8 on page 15. I've also included as a bonus, 16 pictures of my recent trip to Redding in Northern California following the pic of the Mud People. Its such a beautiful place and who knows, maybe my pictures will cause another one of you to become enthralled with that area as I am and maybe even move there one day too. I told my brother about it for 20 years and now he owns over 1800 acres up there. I've traveled around much of the western states looking for a place to retire, and Redding, I've found, has the qualities I'm searching for. Lakes, Streams, surrounded on three sides by vast forest, 3 volcanoes nearby, nice warm ( ok hot ) summers for water sports. No big cities nearby to bring in lots of smog, lots of waterfalls, great hiking and fishing, sailing on Lake Shasta. Well I could continue to list the attributes I find appealing in this area but suffice it to say, that place is cool up there. Now some might say, here you go again Wizard showing pictures on the internet and telling things about a place you like just like you did when you discribed how you came to use the route 3 trail. Now everything bad that happens in Redding California is going to be because of you, just like everything bad that happens at Deep Creek Hotsprings is because you talked about the route 3 trail and showed pictures of it. Well all I can say to those folks is, if that makes sense to you then perhaps your smokin to much happy weed :-) Bad Wizard !

The Mud People invade OZ !

Wizard 1334April 26, 2002 10:10PM

Re: The Mud People invade OZ !

DCR 981April 27, 2002 11:27AM

Re: The Mud People invade OZ !

katrina island 841April 27, 2002 12:57PM

Re: The Mud People invade OZ !

Wizard 760April 27, 2002 05:15PM

Re: The Mud People invade OZ !

Wizard 796April 27, 2002 07:54PM

Re: The Mud People invade OZ !

Ken 668April 29, 2002 08:58AM

Re: The Mud People invade OZ !

Wizard 1237April 29, 2002 03:01PM

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