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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (60% of Full)


Two Trip Reports

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June 23, 2009 12:39PM
I went to DCHS on Friday 6/19 and again yesterday, Monday 6/22. On Friday I went with a colleague from work. We left LA at 4am and got to Bradford Ridge Trail Head at 6am. We were at the Springs just before 7am. There was a group of 5 campers there, all asleep. We had the springs to ourselves until about 8:30am, when the campers started to stir. It was great. The sky was clear, the air was still, the only sounds were those of nature. It was still cool enough that being in the springs was comfortable. Shortly after the campers started stirring a group of three - 2 men and one woman, came in off Bradford Ridge Trail. At about 9:30am three more came the same way - women, one man. (Not a soul came from Bowen Ranch until 11:30am when two nude hikers showed up). At about 10am the campers left. We left at 11:30am, mainly because one person in the second group that showed up was so loud. He was tripping on something and getting more and more out of control. It was just unpleasant. The hike out was tough. It was really hot, with barely a breath of wind. It took us 1:15, when it usually takes me 1 hour to hike out on Bradford Ridge Trail. Overall, a good trip, with a small crowd, about 50% naturist. Just one annoying person. But, it only takes one.

I went back yesterday in late afternoon. Got down to the Springs at about 5:30pm. There were only 5 people there when I arrived and about 4 just coming down the trail from Bowen Ranch. All except one were textile. A couple of first timers showed up at about 6:30pm. It was very peaceful and quiet. The people who were there were friendly and interesting. One guy had brought 3 of the teenagers from his neighborhood in Apple Valley for their first visit. He had a good philosophy - although he wasn't a parent himself, he thought it was his responsibility still to pitch in and help raise the next generation, to pick up the slack left by busy parents. The kids he brought with him were great. Easy to talk to. Funny. Appreciative of him. I left just after 8 and got back to my car at Kinely Creek Bridge just after 9pm, and I couldn't find my car keys! Although this is stating the obvious, this is not a good location to do that. I had to walk back up 173 for about 45 minutes before I got a cell phone signal. Had to get my wife to bring the spare key to get into the car. Found the keys in the trunk, lying right on top of my work back pack. This is going to be one of those experiences that I will never live down. . . . "Do you remember the time when. . . . laugh, laugh, laugh!"

Conclusion: based on a little experimentation, at this time of the year, very early morning or with the last two hours of daylight on a week day seem to good times to go. And, try not to lose your keys.

Two Trip Reports

Murray1719June 23, 2009 12:39PM

Re: Two Trip Reports

celtfire895June 24, 2009 07:24AM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Paul P.856June 24, 2009 10:30AM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Murray926June 24, 2009 10:40AM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Murray818June 24, 2009 10:31AM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Paul P.908June 24, 2009 12:10PM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Cross770June 24, 2009 03:35PM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Murray1148June 24, 2009 05:28PM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Rick832June 24, 2009 05:49PM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Cross825June 24, 2009 10:10PM

Re: Two Trip Reports

Murray1561June 25, 2009 01:59PM

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