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Re: Desert USA site

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January 28, 2009 01:25PM
And RabbitZed at DUSA says this about Dan, " And for all that, EZ, and the irony of his own post, he still doesn't get it: I wasn't suggesting anyone here do as Dan does, posting speculative and potentially libelous information on random web site. Instead, I was suggesting that instead of using DUSA as his own personal blog he might consider moving his axe-grinding agenda to a Blogger.com account, and let DUSA get back to making money selling advertising on a site that might be able to experience some growth if this hate-fest wasn't driving people away. "

I agree with you RabbitZed. DUSA would clearly be a more desirable place if this man who's mission in life appears to be to " stir things up " unduly would just move on and get his own website were he can enjoy more fully his interest in nonsensical and un-founded fantasy portrays and attacks on others. Maybe the DUSA moderator will finally tell Dan to straighten up and cut the un-reasonable and confrontational behavior, or take a hike. I could see how a guy like that does drive away other visitors who just get tired of that kind of BS and constant fighting.

Desert USA site

Wizard 2278January 24, 2009 05:32PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 911January 24, 2009 06:29PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 818January 24, 2009 08:44PM

Re: Desert USA site

jobe 815January 24, 2009 09:19PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 886January 24, 2009 09:15PM

Re: Desert USA site

jobe 885January 25, 2009 10:24AM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 819January 24, 2009 09:57PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 1342January 25, 2009 05:10PM

Re: Desert USA site

jobe 861January 25, 2009 11:46PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 905January 26, 2009 02:27PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 988January 26, 2009 11:47PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 896January 27, 2009 10:07AM

Re: Desert USA site

Allen 863January 27, 2009 05:52PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 988January 27, 2009 09:12PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 961January 28, 2009 01:03PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 870January 28, 2009 01:08PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 884January 28, 2009 01:13PM

Re: Desert USA site

Wizard 1669January 28, 2009 01:25PM

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