Hi there Wizard. I hope all is well with you your family. Things are going well for me. You indicated in an earlier post, that I frequently visit the DCHS website, but I actually don't. I simply came on here to see what information may be gained about the condition of the Hot Springs following our storms last month and to see if any good photos had been posted showing how things looked with all the snow.
I saw your post regarding and Dan and mentioned it to him on the DUSA board so he could respond to you. Evidently, he's not interested in doing that. I have no other agenda here other than to gain information about the Hot Springs.
As far as Sandman/Laughing Bear, he has accused me of being someone I am not, which has caused me to view him as a loose cannon and respond negatively to him and in a sarcastic manner whenever he bashed me. I didn't bring it here, since I view this as one of the more civil places to have dialogue with other like minded people. I do enjoy reading your "SC" articles from time to time but I don't always agree with them. I don't respond to those I disagree with because I am a firm believer that you have a right to your opinion and I don't have a right to step on that. I just wanted to make it clear that I have no ulterior motives.
Cheers to you!