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Wedding photographer captures China quake

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May 24, 2008 08:31AM
I found this story fascinating. People never learn. Here in Nevada it was reported that as Lake Mead was filling with water a swarm of earthquakes struck this area. For a period of 2-3 years. These quakes are a part of the history of the dam. Wheather they lasted 2 or 3 years is a mute point but would seem to be an important point as our government seems to distract the people on their importance.
One may postulate these quakes were a result of the added weight of the water on the plates beneth Lake Mead. One may also postulate the China quake was a result of the added weight on the plates below the Three Gorges Dam. Or that other recently built dam to the west.
I would pay money to see this wedding photographers video. I suppose he is holding out for big bucks. This site does not show it but reports the story: www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24782289/

Wedding photographer captures China quake

jobe 1304May 24, 2008 08:31AM

Re: Wedding photographer captures China quake

jobe 711May 24, 2008 09:13AM

Re: Wedding photographer captures China quake

jobe 755May 24, 2008 04:42PM

Re: Wedding photographer captures China quake

jobe 874May 25, 2008 06:08AM

Re: Wedding photographer captures China quake

Rick 747May 24, 2008 09:57PM

Re: Wedding photographer captures China quake

Paul P. 847May 25, 2008 09:01AM

Re: Wedding photographer captures China quake

jobe 731May 25, 2008 09:20PM

Re: Wedding photographer captures China quake

Wizard 771May 27, 2008 10:01AM

Re: Wedding photographer captures China quake

jobe 2108May 27, 2008 06:19PM

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