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Re: SC26

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October 08, 2006 05:28PM
Today on Fox News, the lead in to one of thier reports was that essentially the Iranian's refuse to stop pursueing thier " Nuclear Weapon's Program ". After the comercial, the report begins, showing the reporter speaking, and then off to the side is written text saying " the Iranian's refuse to stop thier " Nuclear Enrichment " program. So why does the text not say " Nuclear Weapon's program? Because this administration has No Proof that Iran is seeking anything more than power for its country. Over the above mentioned text about the Iranian enrichment program, is written also in bold lettering " Nuclear Confrontation ", which is obviously meant to imply, a confrontation of Nuclear Arms looming between the US and Iran. Above this, is shown video of trucks rolling through streets with missiles mounted on them. They are not nuclear missiles, but Fox in all this wants you to develop and image of a Nuclear confrontation, and the missiles on trucks they show, are implied " supporting evidence " of Iran's intentions. Also in this report they show a map of Iran, with nuclear symbols showing the Nuclear technology sites, with the obvious inherent implications by Fox, that these are Nuclear Weapon's sites, not explicitly stated, but implied. Its all propoganda and spin at its finest. After this report is finished, Fox follows up with another report on North Korea's recent talk of testing a nuclear weapon. Fox again shows more video of missiles on trucks, moving through the streets, another map of Nuclear technology sites, to mimic its previous report on Iran. Its clear to see the intent of Fox, to imply a correlation between Iran and North Korea, to imply that they are both crazed countries intent on developing Nuclear Weapon's programs. North Korea clearly is pursueing Nuclear Weapon's capability. Iran has said consitently it is not seeking Nuclear Weapon's, and I have never seen anything offered up in the media yet, as proof that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. I have been reading various reports at http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php that indicate movements of US naval capability to the area's around Iran, which could be the beginnings of preperations for an up coming attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. So if you are a Bush supporter, a believer in Fox reporting, you already have been brainwashed into " believing " that Iran is pursueing Nuclear Weapon's. But if you are interested in our country behaving in an ethical manner regarding other countries, you " know " that Iran has never said it wants Nuclear Weapon's, and, Iran has consistently said its Enrichment Program is for the purpose of producing power for its country. Iran's has not made any statements that it wishes to attack anyone, including Isreal. So are we as american citizens going to let Bush, his media mouthpiece Fox, and his Oil Pals pre-emptively attack again, another soveriegn country, all based on another pack of lies. A start will be to change this administration by voting them out of office in the November elections. Then, if the new administration pulls the same crap, vote them out. If the people of this nation do not take the time to care, and get involved with where this country is headed, and voice this loudly by concrete actions to the US leaders, these corrupt politicians will continue on, business as usual.


Wizard 1235October 03, 2006 10:22PM

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Wizard 1045October 03, 2006 10:44PM

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Wizard 779October 04, 2006 10:51PM

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coyote 770October 06, 2006 05:38PM

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Wizard 921October 06, 2006 09:33AM

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Wizard 714October 06, 2006 07:54PM

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Wizard 789October 06, 2006 09:01PM

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Wizard 730October 06, 2006 09:58PM

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jobe 738October 07, 2006 08:04AM

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Wizard 886October 07, 2006 10:49PM

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jobe 786October 08, 2006 08:36AM

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Wizard 914October 08, 2006 05:28PM

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Rick 752October 08, 2006 05:34PM

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Wizard 943October 08, 2006 06:15PM

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Wizard 695October 08, 2006 06:17PM

Re: SC26

Wizard 1332October 08, 2006 09:31PM

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