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Re: "Books You Have to Read"

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September 06, 2006 10:46PM
MG, I would say that a huge event like Burning Man is bound to change over time. Just a look into the 20 year history of how BM has changed in essence, and size, clearly illustrates this. In my five years of attendance, I have notice various subtle differances, but none that really diminishes my appreciation of this creative festival thus far. BM does mean a wide variety of things, to all its many thousands of attendees, so I'm sure there are those, that have seen a loss of the specific quality that they may seek in the event. Much of what I enjoy at BM is just to sit quietly, watching the thousands of people, of all body forms, in thier vast variety of creative costumes and cloths, watching thier manner and visage, which makes me think often of how I appreciate my week there, in that place of great acceptance of others unique ways of being. I also enjoy very much the wide variety of music, art, creative vehicles of all sorts, and having such simple and free time to let my mind wander free on the interesing journeys that the magic of perception bring us. Its especially carefree time, and I value it greatly. So my " movement through perception " at Burning Man, has been highly rewarding for me :-) Regarding the " 8-27 message " you mentioned, I'm assuming your talking about SC23, and perhaps more specifically, my first post in that thread. I share such ideas when I feel moved to do so. Sometimes it is in the form of listing excerpts of what I see to be important articles, after which I many times will make some comments to highlight the relevance of the material to the world situation, or to our lives also. And as in the first post of SC23, I felt compelled to do a more lengthy expression. To me, these are the kinds of issues that we need to become aware of, informed about, in order to as a people, have some chance of making the great transformations in our societies that will be needed, to create a sustainable future for our selves, and for future generations. What can you say about a population that actually tolerates and consumes with rabid interest days of Jonbonnet Ramsey stories, which has no value except, entertainment. Time is moving us quickly toward a planet biosphere that is continueing to degrade because of the impact of its most destructive life form, humanity. Day by day, more and more, we are running up a debt of credit regarding the continueing quality of our lives, with no feasible means to pay off the balance of an increasingly degraded life support system that sustains us, but the apparent overall, or over-riding sentiment is, its all ok for now, we won't let go of the Big Party, watching Jonbonnet stuff is fun, there will be time later to worry, and deal with the repercussions, of our living large at the expense of those less fortunate, and at the expense of Mother Earth, our little precious island in space. Unfortunately later is closer than most realise. Lastly, regarding " far out " ideas, and thinking, not so long a span of time ago, most people on this sphere, thought its " real " shape was flat. New life experience changes our perceptions, what we " know " morphs, like an onion, layers are removed to reveal something we had not viewed before. Its a process that changes the very structure of our Grey Flesh, new synapes form, new connections are made, and in the finest subltle ways, our reality changes. I find it all, endlessly fascinating :-)

News for Wizard

mojavegreen 1489September 01, 2006 10:27AM

Re: News for Wizard

LaughingBear 854September 01, 2006 05:09PM

Re: News for Wizard

mojavegreen 729September 04, 2006 11:05AM

Re: News for Wizard

mojavegreen 714September 04, 2006 11:13AM

Re: News for Wizard

jobe 787September 04, 2006 06:43PM

Re: News for Wizard

mojavegreen 703September 05, 2006 11:27AM

Re: News for Wizard

Wizard 785September 05, 2006 10:47PM

"Books You Have to Read"

mojavegreen 732September 06, 2006 06:38PM

Re: "Books You Have to Read"

Wizard 1320September 06, 2006 10:46PM

Re: News for Wizard

mojavegreen 691September 04, 2006 11:14AM

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