There are some folks moving into a new home, not to far from ours here in eastern Apple Valley. There were a bunch of OHV and motorcycle riders over at this new house a couple of weeks ago, and once they unloaded thier machines, they proceeded to race around the neighborhood, going onto open private property in many locations, and flying down the dirts streets at dangerous speeds. Thier activity angered one of my neighbors so much, that he confronted one of the riders, took the keys to his quad, and called the Apple Valley Sherrifs Dept. The law enforcement showed up while I was out in our front yard, with my wife and daughters. We talked to the Sherrif briefly who indicated that these riders activities had angered a couple of people in the vicinity. He then went over to the residence and spent a good deal of time there. Hopefully they got a good message to legally take thier noisy machines out into open areas where they won't be imposing on other peoples right to have a safe, and reasonably quiet neighborhood.