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Re: Storm Coming II

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November 17, 2005 10:34PM
The above two post consist of various ex-cerpts, taken from material in a extensive, well documented report, I have in e-mail form. Please excuse its length, since this, was the only way I could see to share some of it with you. The collaspe of the World Trade Center Towers, has been the critcal focal point, the driving force, behind the wars in Afganistan, Iraq, and the so called War On Terror. It has become the Pearl Harbor event of our times. In my opinion, a sham, of immense proportions has been perpetrated on the American public. At the very least, it looks to be the case, that certain persons in this administration," helped " create an event of dramatic proportions ( 9-11), to provide the catalyst, to jumpstart the complete support by congress, and the American public, for the ramping up of the Military, to enable their global ambitions to invade afganistan, and Iraq. The War on Terror was needed to keep the american populace in a fearful state. Yellow, orange, red, make sure and watch the Alert Status, therby nescesitating the need for the Homeland Security buearacracy, an entity that has truthfully been very affective at erroding the rights of US citizens. So what is this all for, and I would tell you, ENERGY. Bush and his pals couldn't just say to the American Public, hey, where gonna go invade some other countries, because we want to get control of thier oil. They had to have a plan, that the american people would buy, and still enable them to achieve thier own personal interest of wealth, and power. Well, busy American people have short memories, and so far, the have managed to bambozzle enough of the US population to get a way with it. And regarding Homeland Security ( remember Hitler used to call Germany, The Homeland ), oil and gas depletion, is, a reality thats coming, and people that have to do without ammenities, that they have enjoyed for a long time, get rather frustrated, and begin to do less than nice things, like the kind of actions we have seen in France lately. The administration, see's the writting on the wall, and reckonizes, it will need to have some plans in place, to deal with situations that will develop from Peak Oil and Natural Gas. And who do you think might fill that task, Homeland Security. The military is not supposed to be used as an internal US police force, because the founders of this country recognized that this is the path to a Police State, but if you remember as of very recently, Bush is trying to change this long standing guidline, by implementing new legislation that will allow for usage of the military, " to help in dramatic national events ". So in the end, this is something for your consideration. Have no doubt, you, and your loved ones will be affected greatly by the fall out of all of this. Were not in Kansas anymore! A very important question is, are the dynamics of the human condition such, that a broad realization of these things will develop, within a significant portion of the US population, to the extent that it will create a situation where concrete, positive progress, and solution to these hugely serious issues of our time, can be achieved.

Storm Coming II

Wizard 1433November 07, 2005 09:56PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 833November 07, 2005 10:43PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 887November 08, 2005 07:57PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Rick 822November 08, 2005 08:03PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 715November 09, 2005 08:27PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Rick 837November 09, 2005 08:57PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 723November 09, 2005 10:01PM

Don't stop spending!

mojavegreen 807November 09, 2005 02:32PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 785November 09, 2005 10:07PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 1087November 09, 2005 10:13PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 797November 13, 2005 08:07PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 841November 13, 2005 08:25PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 928November 13, 2005 08:46PM

Re: Storm Coming II

mojavegreen 716November 16, 2005 05:30PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 801November 16, 2005 08:28PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 847November 16, 2005 09:55PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 770November 16, 2005 10:03PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 790November 17, 2005 09:25PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 1360November 17, 2005 09:35PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 748November 17, 2005 10:34PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 776November 18, 2005 08:34PM

Re: Storm Coming II

Wizard 769November 22, 2005 10:04PM

The Long Emergency

mojavegreen 767November 23, 2005 09:20AM

Re: The Long Emergency

Wizard 1440November 23, 2005 09:56PM

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