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Re: SC75

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September 14, 2008 02:57AM
Paul, I put a photo of me and my family taken about two months ago just for you. Its the first photo at my Flicr site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/35054303@N00/?saved=1

They know me, they live with me. You made the simplistic and ill informed statement above, " I feel too sorry for you for being such a negative person. ". Think about it Paul, you have shown clearly that you have no qualms about making such a generalized non-sensical statement about a person you have never met, never spent a shred of time with. Do you really think thats reasonable? I care very much for my family. I think often about just what kind of world and circumstances my daughters will find in the coming years. I research the information as contained in my SC postings ( and much more ) to make myself as informed as possible about the negative developments worldwide that will be affecting us all, in even greater measure as time goes by. I have taken some of my time to share a small collection of the information I have found here at the DCHS Forum, and included along the way some of my commentary about these issues, for those that may have an interest in learning about the ( in my view ) truth behind the many lies presented to us by our corrupt goverment, and complicit corporporation run and controlled main media. Rick can contact me at anytime to discuss any of his concerns or wishes regarding any content I have or would put at his Forum. I would always respect his wishes regarding issues of DCHS Forum usage without argument. Look back through the Forum Archives Paul. You too have posted various postings on issues not related to DCHS. Who has been stopped from posting things they want over the years ( Oh yeah, Arizona Mike ) except for when a few person's became excessively rude and obnoxious. Whether people post this or that, they have the ability to do so at any time. So Paul, if you ever want to start learning some " real truths " about who I am, drop me an e-mail and I get you in contact with my brother for starters. He's one of the person's in this world who has know me my whole life. But if you not willing to do even that " simple thing ", then speaking so rudely about someone you don't even know, have never met, does not reflect well on you as a person.


Wizard 1437August 19, 2008 04:38PM

Re: SC75

Wizard 861August 19, 2008 06:22PM

Re: SC75

Wizard 863September 06, 2008 11:34AM

Re: SC75

Paul P. 905September 07, 2008 02:17AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 961September 07, 2008 05:18AM

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Wizard 791September 07, 2008 05:44AM

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Wizard 880September 07, 2008 02:31PM

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Wizard 843September 08, 2008 05:29AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 1064September 08, 2008 05:55AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 901September 08, 2008 06:24AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 858September 09, 2008 03:22AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 920September 09, 2008 05:27AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 864September 09, 2008 05:42AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 884September 09, 2008 07:32AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 894September 09, 2008 03:29PM

Re: SC75

Paul P. 830September 10, 2008 03:07AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 834September 11, 2008 04:42AM

Re: SC75

Paul P. 858September 12, 2008 04:52AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 819September 13, 2008 05:43AM

Re: SC75

Wizard 1462September 14, 2008 02:57AM

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