..........As I sit here watching Little League kids playing a game, I am stricken with the fact that my generation is responsible for the destruction of the American experiment and the dismal future of these 12 and 13 year old kids who have no idea what we have done. At least here on CFN I know all of you are aware and thinking about the shitstorm we have created and are at least talking about it. The writings of Joe Bageant have been extremely helpful in beginning to understand the thinking and mindset of red state Americans, mostly poor, who steadfastly continue to support and be part of their own repression and demise. The greed and blatant racism of upper class republicans/neo-cons and the depths of depravity,viciousness and hate they seem to revel in is as disgraceful as their treatment of the poor. We are now a cartoon, a joke in the eyes of the world, a feckless bully intent on having our way no matter how many perish and suffer.The recent developments in Georgia only illuminate the hypocrisy, double standards and blinding arrogance practiced in and by the United States. George Bush telling Russia they shouldn't retaliate against U.S. sponsored aggression, invade a sovereign country for the purpose of controlling the flow of oil and slaughtering innocent civilians is just too rich.
Posted by: djcrow22 | August