Hello Serenity :-) I did some checking around today. At this time in the area where we live, motorcycles can be ridden on peoples personal property, or on other private property with permission of its owner. The San Bernardino County Code Enforcement told me that there is currently work ongoing on a new ordinace for our area, that would make it illegal to ride on private property, with riding allowed only in designated areas. The person I talked to expressed that this ordinance would probably be passed in the next few months or so. I hope it does. As you express Serenity, for now, our best redress is calling in a report as disturbing the peace, in terms of noise and dust. The sherriff dispatcher who I called the report in to on Sunday, keyed in on my mentioning that the riders were also riding on the dirt roads, so the dispatcher by thier policy referred this incident to the CHP because the roads are thier jurisdiction, she said. When I called the CHP they said that they had received the information, an officer went out, and " determined " that the road was not a maintained ( county ) road, and therefor did not pursue it further. By all appearances, nobody would have contacted me, or let me know that no action was taken regarding my call on Sunday. Our reliable law enforcement in action. I found out later that I should not reference the road issue, in order to get the Apple Valley sherriff to respond. I'll give that a try next time the bikes get loud again.