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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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Arizona/Ringbolt Hot springs trip report 2-10-12

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February 14, 2012 06:18AM
I was camping in the new paved parking lot for this spring/White rock canyon contemplating going to the springs. When a pretty young woman came to my bus/RV and asked which way to the hot springs ? She was a recent Divorcee from the Check Republic with her mother and a 13 year old friend. Obviously, she had a bad sense of direction. She said she was here 4 years ago but could not tell where she had gone to get to the springs.
So I put my good will ambassador smile on and escorted her to the springs. It was a perfect weather day in the mid 70's with only a small breeze at about 10:00 am. There were about 7-8 cars and trucks in the parking lot which had been there all night. I had arrived at sun set the evening before and these cars and trucks were there when I arrived. I supposed they had been camping and later found they were. About 10 persons had been camping above the springs, mostly working professionals.
The Canyon and springs were mostly trash free. When we first got to the springs we had them to ourselves but soon the campers came back from their hike. Then we were joined by some Rugby players from Chicago. They were in town for a game at Sam Boyd stadium.
There were only two pools at the springs. An upper pool which was 110.4 degrees my thermometer said and it was almost 3 feet deep. The Lower pool was 103.3 degrees and less than 2 feet deep. As it became more crowded we left. The 13 year old boy spoke English fairly well and said they teach it in school in the Check Republic. He was very interested in the rocks and wanted to find some Fossils. So I helped educate him. Most rocks in this area are Rhyolite. But at the beginning of the canyon there is a lot of sandstone. Along with granite there is a big segment of green granite. Which he became extremely interested in. So as we left I took them out by way of the petroglyph canyon and showed him some of them. Which he took pictures of. I explained too him that rhyolite rock was pushed to the surface by volcanic actions. And that the sandstone was above that at one time, probably forming the bottom of an ancient ocean. He was all ears and fasinated by my explanations.
The Colorado River was unusually high but beautiful and a real pleasure to be at. Many boats and people were here, unusual for a Friday.
All together a wonderful trip. It is always a pleasure to educate the next generation. I am certain he will have a lot to show and tell in his class.
The springs here are always changing , not always for the better. The sand bags there get moved about constantly. I only wish some one would make the pool back where it was years ago at the turn in the canyon which was not there on this trip.
So , many hot springs ,,, so little time !

Arizona/Ringbolt Hot springs trip report 2-10-12

jobe3543February 14, 2012 06:18AM

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