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November 29, 2010 07:54PM
On Saturday November 27, 2010 I crossed the new Hoover dam bridge for the first time. I was expecting to turn right after the 4 mile marker to park at the old dirt parking lot for Ring bolt/Arizona hot springs. It had signs blocking the lot for every one. I had to go another 2-3 miles to find a turn around for my 30 foot R/V.
NOW! As you are leaving Nevada you are asked to turn left into a new parking area for White canyon and Arizona hot springs.
I am certain this bright electric sign will cause more tourist to stop and see the hot springs and canyon. So, now you must park on the EAST side of the highway and walk under the old and new bridges to access the River/canyon. I did not drive further into Arizona to see how much more the road is 4 laned. The new paved lot has 11 large R/V pull through parking spaces and about 20 parking spaces for cars. This new parking lot is paved and pretty but not completely finished. There were no trash cans and the information kiosk was empty. Also a new path was freshly soiled on the south side of the new lot which lead into the wash.
I talked to a guy at the hot springs who said he had been camping at the springs all week and they blocked off the old lot on Wednesday. Everyone seemed to have a good day soaking in the 4 pools there.
I do not know what is planned for the old parking lot. We will just have to watch and see. Also the canyon on my maps is called White rock canyon not just White canyon as the sign indicated. An oversight by some one ???
I am glad to help everyone avoid making my mistake, but I am sure it will happen often there for many.
Happy holy days ever one.

Arizona/Ring bolt hot springs has a new paved parking lot !

jobe4747November 29, 2010 07:54PM

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