Sounds like the rangers are very tired of the complaints.
Before I left Vegas around the first of October this is what happened:
Meet up .com is a social network of hikers I joined a few years back. On one of their camping trips to G.S.H.S.I went also. We were having a good time sipping wine and soaking. Before all of this on their website a Federal officer came online and said it was against federal regs to charge for this trip. I thought it was a joker. The trip organizer asked everyone to donate to an orphanage instead. They charge 1$ per person.
While we were enjoying our camping a group of 3 Federal officers appeared out of the darkness. This was at 11:00 pm. This was unbelievable to me. Of course they had to flash their badges and guns to prove their point. They wanted to know if anyone had any weapons. To which I answered you would have to be stupid to have weapons here. We all said together NO ! Before this as they were sneaking around our camp site they asked 3 naked people in the hot pool to get dressed. They said they had come up the river in a boat.
It is my opinion that the Federal government has gone out of their way to enforce draconian regulations that are too unfair. Of course they did ignore the wine bottle someone left next to the cliff. And it could have been much worse than it was. But they did go too far for my taste for justice. And monitoring hikers web sites ???
Camping is NOT a crime !