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Little Caliente 06/28/2015 pool condition update.

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June 30, 2015 12:31PM
I visited the springs yesterday 06/28/2015.

I almost got the source pipe flow right. I could not spend too much time on that as there were 500+ yellowjackets getting water sip near the source. It might be a fall/winter project for me.

The middle and bottom pools cannot be drained on their own. I brought some pvc ball valves but could not get to empty the pools.
The drainage openings now are below the pools' sediment levels, so I need few laborers to bucket the water out and to dig.

If anyone wants to help, please PM me or post here.

Little Caliente 06/28/2015 pool condition update.

Sam D.2340June 30, 2015 12:31PM

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