I have been going to DCHS for about three decades, although only once so far this year. People who go there more regularly might have a better take, especially about fishing, etc.. My own experience is that DCHS used to be a very spiritual place, with a healthy and rejuvinating focus on nude sensuality. You can still get that if you get lucky and get there during the week, and/or find your resting place somewhat down or upstream from the hot pools themselves. Now, for the most part, especially on weekends, it is more of a beach-ball pool party atmosphere, with most people in bathing suits, some blaring boom boxes, a majority drunk and drugged out. Mixed with that are scattered middle-aged pervs hoping to see some female parts when they get the chance, and who try to talk to females who don't want to take to them. So, my experience is that you can still find your peace there, but you have to avoid the hub of the place on weekends to find that peace. But if you are not looking for peace, the fishing might be okay, as others can advise you.