Tyson Butzke isn't for real. If he was, he'd know the law better. His expression is simply a rewrite from the 'State Park' section of: http://gocalifornia.about.com/cs/clothingoptional/a/nudebeachfedst.htm
"Butzke" even used some similar words as "stance" and conveniently omitted the continued state park policy that a citation "shall be made only upon the complaint of a private citizen", and that it is his (the officer's) duty to first request clothing compliance before issuing a citation to a non-complying offender.
Personally, I find Betsy Malloy's (above URL) opinion that "...when the Cahill Policy was written, the public stance on nudity was more liberal than it is now." The evidence is otherwise. Since the Cahill Policy was written, public nudity has become much more common. More near nudity on public broadcast television, and now even bra commercials with live models are common.
There has been greater attention to child porn and abuse; and three strike offenders; however, the acceptance of simple recreational nudity has grown.