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January 08, 2005 03:37PM
I am glad to see this legislation despite the fact that it does not include our area. It seems that the new law restricting ORV use in the city of Hesperia has already led to increased use in Juniper Flats.

I do believe the people who have claimed to see desert tortoises in Juniper Flats, and hope that suitable documentation can soon be provided, so that our area can also gain some protection. I have to wonder, though, whether any restrictions would be enforced by the BLM, since the current rules have been largely ignored.

This will change, though. I believe that the efforts of FOJF will have an impact.

Off Roaders Off Tortoises

katrina island 1455January 05, 2005 11:04AM

Re: Off Roaders Off Tortoises

LaughingBear 626January 05, 2005 08:41PM

Re: Off Roaders Off Tortoises

sycamorelaughing 1136January 08, 2005 03:37PM

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