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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (68% of Full)


In case you haven't heard!

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November 27, 2004 01:26AM
Our long lost, well loved friend, who used to post here at the DCHS Forum back in late 2000, and early 2001, has returned again, gracing us with her presence :-) Now Jen, I will refer to you as a she, since you seem to prefer it that way, even though it was generally excepted at the time of your unfortuntate departure in February 2001, that you were really a he. So you like the name Willa Zoe now, and of course your most recent personality ( supporter ) mike. Well you always did love to pose as differant people at this forum. Dr Dot, Rambo 1, Jumper, Jimbo, and even post with no name, all amazingly enough supporters of your cause :-) Sure brings back the ol memories eh Jen! I figured you out early on in your post as Willa, you can't hide your nature Jen. But like always you just go on and on, throwing out clues at every turn. I recommend any viewers to go back to the " old forum archives and check out any post done by Jennifer ( and her other personalities if you can find them ) from November 2000 where I addressed Jeniffer in the post " Doggies Unite " up to February 2001, where Jennifer was finally banned from this forum, take a look, you will understand why. Specificallly you might check out the thread dated 2-25-2001 with 11 post and the thread dated 2-27-2001 with 6 post. Interesting insights into Willa Jen's mind. By the way, I was OZ back then :-) I also addressed Jennifer as Mojo, in the archives of July 2000. Now Jennifer became frustrated at being challenged, and expressed that she and her Valley Girl companions were escaping to Miracle Hotsprings to get away from me, and my cohorts, the Crude Yukie Dudes! Since that time Miracle Hotsprings was closed due to contamination. What would you say it was Willa Jen, Protozoa? I'm sure you were saddened and appalled that you had actually soaked in such Yuckieness! So now I think your back here, bored, pissed off at being kicked off of this forum, and ready to grind your ax in the form of threats, removal of pools, at DCHS hotsprings. So spin your web of deception Valley Girl, but the cats out of the bag! Are we livin in Orange County these days Jen? what happened to your Castle in the Valley? Also the word through the grapevine is you go with the title of DR, DR Dot perhaps :-) And your still having nightmares about Big Dogs in the Hotpools. Big Dogs sure do have alot of Feas don't they Jen. So Willa Zoe, Willa mike, and Willa Jen, maybe you should just move along now and find some other hotsprings to destroy.

In case you haven't heard!

Wizard 1521November 27, 2004 01:26AM

Re: In case you haven't heard!

Wizard 794November 27, 2004 01:50AM

Re: In case you haven't heard!

jobe 788November 27, 2004 08:46AM

Re: In case you haven't heard!

Wizard 692November 27, 2004 09:55AM

He pretending to be a She - Memories of Jennifer

katrina island 835November 27, 2004 04:10PM

Re: In case you haven't heard!

Wizard 809November 27, 2004 08:36PM

Re: In case you haven't heard!

jobe 748November 28, 2004 04:17AM

Re: In case you haven't heard!

Wizard 1203November 28, 2004 09:20AM

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