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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (63% of Full)


Agghh !!! Venus !!!

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June 01, 2004 06:53PM
Just to tune in all of you sky watchers. June 8, Venus will do something she only does every 122 years. She will cross the path of the sun. Oh, to be floating at deep creek then. This scenario repeats itself in 8 years. Just a coincidence ? I think not.
The only bummer is this, it is more visable on the east coast. The best place to view it is actually in Baghdad, Iraq. What a coincidence!
Oh how nice it would be to be floating in the pools at that moment and praying for our heroes over there to return safely.
For all who believe God's word read Jeremiah chapter 51. This book clearly explains what has been happening and is going to happen there. I just hope George W. is reading his good book also.
Yes, God's will will be done.
Let us all pray for peace.

Agghh !!! Venus !!!

jobe 1526June 01, 2004 06:53PM

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