Katrina writes:
"Ranger Barry Nelson (Chief Ranger) was put in charge of the Juniper Flats area after the Willow Fire."
What was his official title? He certainly acted like he was in control of Juniper Flats. I am not sure your presumption correct, though, as he also acted like he was Barstow Field Manager.
Regardless, Nelson was responsible for diverting $77,000 allocated for constuction of cable fence to protect Cottonwood Springs and other projects. This money came from BAER and National Fish and a Wildlife Foundation grant funds. That diversion is likely criminal.
With Nelson's reputation as overtime queen, of interest would be a FOIA on the source of funds for post-fire law enforcement, the total amount received from BAER and NFW funds and the percentage of those funds that Barry put in his own pocket.
Since J1299 was created with BLM complicity, a complaint and request for investigation should be filed with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. While Barry was easing back at the Kiosk using their funds, he was no doubt planning his frontal attack on Cottonwood Springs with J1299.
I'll bet a few arms were broken in the Barstow Field Office to get silence on that move.