My, My! Without those trails Mr Zipty has burned, dredged into the landscape, how would the poor desert animals possibly get around :-( So Castro is talking " Ground War ", and Mr Zipty figures duking it out is the best option for solving his grievances. I guess its no wonder those two see eye to eye on this subject of illegal OHV trails, both being inclined toward violent solutions. " Yeah, whats up with those people who don't like to constantly come across the tracks of illegal OHV travels, why, as well as making highways for all the desert animals, our handwork is providing a benificial mulching service for these pristine lands ". The previous quote has been " approved by Mr Castro and Mr Zipty, wise, benevolent caretakers of those lands they see as thier own, thier domain to control, by force if necesary! Ye Haw! Now lets go burn some trails, cut some fences, duke it out with who ever opposes us, and get us a Good Ol Ground War going, just like the old days!