Thanks for that timely reminder, Gary. I do not like seeing this forum return to former ways. Like Rick above, I just want to understand just what point is being made here. Most of this area's residents are united in wanting OHV use in the area to be restricted to legal routes that are enforcable, and not to allow a motorcycle path through an area (the ACEC) that is designated as "not for motorized vehicles." Does Katrina Island disagree with these goals?
How did preserving public lands for the future become a bad thing? Why is it right to have many BLM areas designated as OHV parks and yet not even a few areas set aside for non-motorized activities, such as hiking, horseback riding, or bird-watching without the fear and disturbance of fast-moving and loud motorcylces and quads running you off the trails and scaring away any wildlife? Is it really so inappropriate to use public lands without harming them?
I talk to OHV enthusiasts frequently, and find that many of them agree with the goals of FOJF and are frustrated with the BLM's continued failure to provide adequate maps and signage so that they might know where it is and is not legal to ride. FOJF has volunteered to use our own labor to help the BLM in this regard. The USFS welcomes the help of DCV in the forestry areas. Why does the BLM not do the same with FOJF on BLM lands?