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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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Any Word on Open Forest?

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January 09, 2004 10:31AM
From the long lost out of State Hot Potter.....

Looks like I MAY be able to fenagle (sp?) a business trip to the Inland Empire the last week of January. I'm trying to decide if it's worth spending an extra day or two in the area at my exspense.

Any new word on on the forest being un-locked for a LEGAL visit to Deep Creek?

BTW... A happy and prosperous New Year wish to all fellow Deep Creekers!


Any Word on Open Forest?

Gary 1103January 09, 2004 10:31AM

Re: Any Word on Open Forest?

LaughingBear 683January 09, 2004 03:47PM

Re: Any Word on Open Forest?

Paul P. 690January 09, 2004 05:54PM

Re: Any Word on Open Forest?

Gary 661January 12, 2004 09:04AM

Re: Any Word on Open Forest?

Paul P. 1231January 13, 2004 12:27PM

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