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Moss Mill Bulldozed

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June 21, 2003 12:41AM
I was very aware of the Federal action taken against William Schweiss by the U. S. Attorney on behalf of the Bureau of Land Management.

The U. S. Attorney painted a distorted picture based on misrepresentations of the facts to the court. They painted William Schweiss as a dangerous person with a gun who had placed those "no trespassing" signs at the entrance of Moss Mill Road. In other words, they presented that William was violently denying public access across Moss Mill Road. Imagine that. Especially when William had for years supported and promoted public access in the area. Moss Mill Road, which is being violently blocked from public access by the residents at the Bowen Ranch.

First of all, the U. S. Attorney included a photograph of the entrance of Moss Mill Road with the "no trespassing" signs posted. These "no trespassing" signs that were posted there by Mike Castro. The U. S. Attorney implied that these signs were posted by William. The photograph was presented into evidence as being the entrance to Moss Mill Road.

Secondly, the U. S. Attorney used the arrest of William at that "fake rave party, real raid story" for possessing a gun on his own property. This is the case where Mike Castro called the sheriff's department complaining about a gathering over at Moss Mill and the BLM made up this whole rave party story. William was exonerated of that crime and had his gun returned to him. However, the U. S. Attorney was able to use this arrest prior to the resolution of the criminal case.

Third, the U. S. Attorney cited that William did not have legal sanitary facilities. That Moss Mill did not meet health and safety codes. However, Mike Castro over at the Bowen Ranch does not have legal sanitary facilities for the thousands of visitors who access through his illegal business every year. The BLM state that the Bowen Ranch is offering camping facilities to the public.

That was the case made against William by the U. S. Attorney. The Bureau of Land Management tricked the U. S. Attorney as to the facts in the case and a false premise was presented to the court.

In addition, William had mining claims both with Gary Roe and Mike Castro. They had plans on operating the milling operation to refine the ore from those claims.

Gary Krower was known to be extremely dangerous. It was common knowledge that people would disappear up there during that period of time. Gary Krower called himself "the angel of death". Gary Krower almost killed Gary Roe while Gary Krower was on parole for another violent crime. Gary Roe went to the SB Sheriff's Department and his parole officer, no charges were brought against Gary Krower. William had been told that Gary Krower had taken out a contract upon his life. William had good reason to believe that his life was in danger and to take steps to protect himself from lethal threat.

I have spoken to a member of law enforcement who told me about an incident involving Gary Krower where he pointed a loaded gun at Gary Krower's head. Another Forest Service person reminisced about Gary Krower calling him "the toothless wonder". Even you, Laughing Bear know that Gary Krower was a violent threat as you witnessed him violently beating an individual on Bowen Ranch Road. This guy permanently lost his hearing in one of his ears from the beating you observed and you say that this beating was justified because he was drunk?

Moss Mill Bulldozed

katrina island 1143June 21, 2003 12:41AM

Re: Moss Mill Bulldozed

LaughingBear 651June 21, 2003 09:31AM

Moss Mill No Mas

katrina island 777June 21, 2003 01:22PM

Re: Moss Mill Bulldozed

LaughingBear 1157June 21, 2003 02:43PM

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