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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


Re: Homeless at the hotsprings

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May 02, 2003 07:45AM
Family canyon is located behind the hotsprings a couple of hundred yards downstream on the south side of the main canyon. In the distant past, it was a hideout for the infamous Manson family....thats how it got its name.
My neighbor was bummed out by the trash being left around by the people who have been staying there and asked if DCV could do something about the situation. I told him that we mostly pick up the garbage and repair the pools. Our mission is education by example. We are not the Hot Springs police. That is up to the USFS.
Anyway...I was tempted to go to the springs with some of my neighbors yesterday but I have been working on my firebreaks and watering trees. The wildflowers are really fantastic this year which means lots of fuel for wildfires later this year. And....its forcasted to rain again! Its really peaceful and colorful right now, a great time to enjoy the desert!

Homeless at the hotsprings

LaughingBear 1170May 01, 2003 08:08PM

Re: Homeless at the hotsprings

Ron 842May 02, 2003 06:53AM

Re: Homeless at the hotsprings

LaughingBear 673May 02, 2003 07:45AM

Re: Homeless at the hotsprings

Wizard 729May 02, 2003 08:26AM

Re: Homeless at the hotsprings

LaughingBear 1155May 02, 2003 02:41PM

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