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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (63% of Full)



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March 16, 2003 04:06PM
The drought was washed away last night with a deluge that brought relief to parched watertables and trees. Hotspringer Roe will brave a shower of lead to soak, but not even this dedicated soaker had enough courage to brave the elements last night. Everyone in the hills battened down the hatches and held onto our hats last night!

We found new leaks where there had never been leaks before as the rain beat down upon our tin trailers and plywood palaces of the Village.When dawn came,we awoke to a coating of snow on Luna mountain above 5000'. The mountains and hills are emerald green and we can expect the wildflowers to be in bloom for the Deep Creek Cleanup in two weeks. I predict a spectacular year.

Suprise spring reappeared in my back canyon after an absence of several years. The Mojave was running across Rock Springs road and the West fork has water as well. I am sure the Hot Springs got a good flood and I wouldnt be suprised if the sign washed out again. So deepcreekers........the drought has been busted!.......good riddance!


LaughingBear 1506March 16, 2003 04:06PM

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