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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Crescent (5% of Full)


Mike D. are you out there?

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February 08, 2003 06:08PM
Mike D.

You sent DCV an email and became a member of our group on 10/5/02. However, since then we have not heard from you and the email address you gave us is no longer valid. I also sent you correspondence at the begining of January through snail mail and have not heard back. At our latest meeting it was decided that after three months of having lost all contact with a member we will drop them from our membership list and they can rejoin at a later date if they chose to reestablish contact. You are one month into this process. I am posting this message as our second atempt to try and reestablish contact with you. I am taking the liberty to post below an extract from the last email I recieved from you regarding your vist to the springs.

"Good day--

Thanks for responding to my email!
I guess I'll start by sharing my first and only experience at Deep Creek---which I enjoyed so much that I had to take it upon myself to find the place on my own.
I was introduced to the hot springs by a friend last year in August. She drove us up winding, nameless roads to what I now know is Bowen Ranch, where we paid Castro and hiked down the narrow trail. She told us that we don't need flashlights--just follow her--as she led the way down the ridge barefoot (she's a hippie chick). Upon reaching the site we set up our stuff and headed for the anniversary pool (I now know it is called this from the forums). I climbed over the spillway leading to the womb and stayed in there talking and laughing and meeting people.
The most incredible and awe inspiring chills went from head to toe, as my eyes began to focus and I started to see the beautiful details of my surroundings. I could see the 'bowl' that we were in--surrounded by hills in this little desert oasis. I could hardly suppress my awe and was taken back as I stared all around watching the color and life trickle into this little paradise with each minute closer to the sun cresting the ridge.
After spending the day sleeping in the shade (it was over 100 degrees that day) we ate and headed back to the pools. We hiked out shortly before sunset over the hill.
I have since lost contact with my hippie friend. I know that our paths will again cross,
perhaps even at the sacred place that she introduced me to. Since I haven't heard from her, I began to wonder if I would ever be able to find the springs again--as I wasn't sure how well known that they were or if there were alternate route in.
This is when I began searching on the web for hot springs in CA. One of the first sites that surfaced was that of DCHS, Inc. The first picture on the homepage made my heart skip a beat and then recover with such force that I nearly choked. I knew immediately that this was the place.

I thank you for your time and efforts regarding this sacred place, this diamond in the rough. That is why I would like to join any conservation efforts in keeping this place alive so that my children can see the beauty within and around them is this time and in that period which is beyond time. I have not registered a nick on the forums yet, I will today. Also, please send the brochure so that I can take a look at it. Thanks again for everything.

mike d"

Mike d, if you are out there at are still interested in being part of DCV, please respond to this post or send us an email to the Deep Creek Volunteers link that is at the bottom of this Forum. Thanks.

Mike D. are you out there?

Ron 1472February 08, 2003 06:08PM

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