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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)


Donations Please

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January 08, 2003 10:03PM
Perhaps we could create a fund of donations to help Gollum. Maybe enough cash for at least a day, maybe more, at a Betty Ford Center or something like that. He could certainly use some guidance as indicated by his actions on this forum and elswhere. Like tonight, I checked my e-mails for the day and there were two from Gollum. One of them read " Your friend ***** POOH likes editing messages huh. I'm letting everyone I met, that you have a history of stealing from a hardware store in Redding Ca ". Well Gollum looks like I saved you the trouble of letting the people on the forum know of your new delusion. What hardware store would that be Schzoid and when did these supposed thefts take place :-) Well, while your chasing down your illusion at least it might give the rest of us a break for a while from your incessant nonsense. Be sure and hurry back when you compile all of your evidence, I can hardly wait :-) Gollum's second e-mail goes like this " Anymore talk from either you idiots about me having a concealed weapon and you'll be hear from my attourny ". Well Gollum, that confirms that you do have a weapon. You mention a concealed weapon, do you have a concealed weapon permit. Its not legal to transport or carry a concealed weapon without one. Just wanted to save you the trouble of getting arrested in case your carrying that gun around, concealed, in a lock box, in your truck. Gollum, I first saw you with a gun one day, a long time ago, when my wife and I had hiked with you back to our vehicles which were parked by the Bowen Ranch. You arrived back at the trucks ahead of my wife and I and as we got near we hear a few gunshots which startled us. When we got to the trucks we saw you standing with your gun and we asked you why you had fired it. You said you were just testing it. My wife and I thought that was an odd and inappropriate thing to do, especially without warning us first since we were close, and, so close to public buildings, the ranch. If you remember, Mike Castro came over and was not happy that you had fired off your gun either. What were you thinking, who knows. Anyway, thats how I knew you had a gun, at least back then. I figured you still had it. So whats your attourny going to do Gollum, put me in jail because I mentioned that I thought you had a gun, which you produced that day by your own free will, and that you have now confirmed in a e-mail to me, by your own free will. Just be careful of your actions Gollum, your lack of control, of your anger, coupled with the ownership of a weapon, may one day lead you into troubled waters.

Donations Please

Wizard 1841January 08, 2003 10:03PM

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