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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


Re: sespe now?

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November 22, 2002 11:27PM
I think ranger is giving you a line of B.S.

my last trip to Sespe H.S. was back around 1994, and there was a lot of water flowing out of the hot springs source then and I don't see why water wouldn't be flowing the same today. I've spoken to many at Deep Creek between 1994 to present and all indicate that the springs are flowing.

I remember measuring the water temperature from the main hot source with a very accurate digital therometer @ 194 deg. F. / 90 deg. C.

The springs are located in 'Hot Springs Canyon' and there is an icy cold stream that flows past the hot springs. Both cold and hot water meet and continues down the canyon and drains in Sepse creek. There's a number of hot sources flowing out from the bottom of the stream after the hot and cold waters meet. careful where you walk while in the stream!!!

You mentioned the long hike-in, to the hot springs, and it is. There's two ways I know of; 16 mi. hike fom Lion Campground off Hwy.33 from Ojaia and thee other from Frazier Park, Mutau Flats, a steep 9 mi. trail / ex-dirt route.
Have a good hike in!

sespe now?

twig 1900November 21, 2002 12:31PM

Re: sespe now?

Arizona Mike 1225November 22, 2002 11:27PM

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